﹟ The nine actions
﹟ Append
Appends the content within the template tag to the container designated by the target dom id.
<turbo-stream action="append" target="dom_id">
Content to append to container designated with the dom_id.
If the template’s first element has an id that is already used by a direct child inside the container targeted by dom_id, it is replaced instead of appended.
﹟ Prepend
Prepends the content within the template tag to the container designated by the target dom id.
<turbo-stream action="prepend" target="dom_id">
Content to prepend to container designated with the dom_id.
If the template’s first element has an id that is already used by a direct child inside the container targeted by dom_id, it is replaced instead of prepended.
﹟ Replace
Replaces the element designated by the target dom id.
<turbo-stream action="replace" target="dom_id">
Content to replace the element designated with the dom_id.
The [method="morph"]
attribute can be added to the turbo-stream
element to replace the element designated by the target dom id via morph.
<turbo-stream action="replace" method="morph" target="dom_id">
Content to replace the element.
﹟ Update
Updates the content within the template tag to the container designated by the target dom id.
<turbo-stream action="update" target="dom_id">
Content to update to container designated with the dom_id.
The [method="morph"]
attribute can be added to the turbo-stream
element to morph only the children of the element designated by the target dom id.
<turbo-stream action="update" method="morph" target="dom_id">
Content to replace the element.
﹟ Remove
Removes the element designated by the target dom id.
<turbo-stream action="remove" target="dom_id">
﹟ Before
Inserts the content within the template tag before the element designated by the target dom id.
<turbo-stream action="before" target="dom_id">
Content to place before the element designated with the dom_id.
﹟ After
Inserts the content within the template tag after the element designated by the target dom id.
<turbo-stream action="after" target="dom_id">
Content to place after the element designated with the dom_id.
﹟ Refresh
Initiates a Page Refresh to render new content with morphing.
<!-- without `[request-id]` -->
<turbo-stream action="refresh"></turbo-stream>
<!-- debounced with `[request-id]` -->
<turbo-stream action="refresh" request-id="abcd-1234"></turbo-stream>
﹟ Targeting Multiple Elements
To target multiple elements with a single action, use the targets
attribute with a CSS query selector instead of the target
<turbo-stream action="remove" targets=".elementsWithClass">
<turbo-stream action="after" targets=".elementsWithClass">
Content to place after the elements designated with the css query.
﹟ Processing Stream Elements
Turbo can connect to any form of stream to receive and process stream actions. A stream source must dispatch MessageEvent messages that contain the stream action HTML in the data
attribute of that event. It’s then connected by Turbo.session.connectStreamSource(source)
and disconnected via Turbo.session.disconnectStreamSource(source)
. If you need to process stream actions from different source than something producing MessageEvent
s, you can use Turbo.renderStreamMessage(streamActionHTML)
to do so.
A good way to wrap all this together is by using a custom element, like turbo-rails does with TurboCableStreamSourceElement.
﹟ Stream Elements inside HTML
Turbo streams are implemented as a custom HTML element.
The element is interpreted as part of the connectedCallback
function that the browser calls when the element is
connected to the page dom.
This means that any stream elements that are rendered into the dom will be interpreted. After being interpreted, Turbo will remove the element from the dom. More specifically, it means that rendering stream actions inside the page or frame content HTML will cause them to be executed. This can be used to execute additional sideffects beside the main content loading.