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Installing Turbo in Your Application

Turbo can either be referenced in compiled form via the Turbo distributable script directly in the <head> of your application or through npm via a bundler like esbuild.

In Compiled Form

You can float on the latest release of Turbo using a CDN bundler like jsDelivr. Just include a <script> tag in the <head> of your application:

<script type="module" src=""></script>

Or download the compiled packages from unpkg.

As An npm Package

You can install Turbo from npm via the npm or yarn packaging tools.

If you using any Turbo functions such as Turbo.visit() import the Turbo functions into your code:

import * as Turbo from "@hotwired/turbo"

If you’re not using any Turbo functions such as Turbo.visit() import the library. This avoids issues with tree-shaking and unused variables in some bundlers. See Import a module for its side effects only on MDN.

import "@hotwired/turbo";

In a Ruby on Rails application

The Turbo JavaScript framework is included with the turbo-rails gem for direct use with the asset pipeline.